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Help Us Test the Thunderbird for Android Beta!

The Thunderbird for Android beta is out and we’re asking our community to help us test it. Beta testing helps us find critical bugs and rough edges that we can polish in the next few weeks. The more people who test the beta and ensure everything in the testing checklist works correctly, the better!

Author’s Note (January 27, 2025): Even though it’s been a few months since we launched the stable version of Thunderbird for Android, we still need beta testers! As we launch new features and make needed improvements, beta testers help us know what’s working and what isn’t. With major beta releases, staff provides testing guidance similar to this blog post. To join us, download the beta from the links below, and follow the advice in ‘Where to Give Feedback.’

Help Us Test!

Anyone can be a beta tester! Whether you’re an experienced beta tester or you’ve never tested a beta image before, we want to make it easy for you. We are grateful for your time and energy, so we aim to make testing quick, efficient, and hopefully fun!!

The release plan is as follows, and we hope to stick to this timeline unless we encounter any major hurdles:

Download the Beta Image

Below are the options for where you can download with Beta and get started:

We are still working on preparing F-Droid builds. In the meanwhile, please make use of the other two download mechanisms.

Use the Testing Checklist

Once you’ve downloaded the Thunderbird for Android beta, we’d like you to check that you can do the following:

Test the K-9 Mail to Thunderbird for Android Transfer

If you’re already using K-9 Mail, you can help test an important feature: transferring your data from K-9 Mail to Thunderbird for Android. To do this, you’ll need to make sure you’ve upgraded to the latest beta version of K-9 Mail.

This transfer process is a key step in making it easier for K-9 Mail users to move over to Thunderbird. Testing this will help ensure a smooth and reliable experience for future users making the switch.

Later builds will additionally include a way to transfer your information from Thunderbird Desktop to Thunderbird for Android.

What we’re not testing

We know it’s tempting to comment about everything you notice in the beta. For the purpose of this short initial beta, we won’t be focusing on addressing longstanding issues. Instead, we ask you to be laser focused on critical bugs, the checklist above, and issues could prevent users from effectively interacting with the app, to help us deliver a great initial release.

Where to Give Feedback

Share your feedback on the Thunderbird for Android beta mailing list and see the feedback of other users. It’s easy to sign up and let us know what worked and more importantly, what didn’t work from the tasks above. For bug reports, please provide as much detail as possible including steps to reproduce the issue, your device model and OS version, and any relevant screenshots or error messages.

Want to chat with other community members, including other testers and contributors working on Thunderbird for Android? Join us on Matrix!

Do you have ideas you would like to see in future versions of Thunderbird for Android? Let us know on Mozilla Connect, our official site to submit and upvote ideas.

Tags: Android

52 responses

Brian wrote on

Let’s GOOOO! Testing now, love the icon and the AMOLED black/blue theme!

Roland Müller wrote on

Konto anlegen funktioniert
Konten über App K 9-mail importieren funktioniert nicht

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Do you have the newest K-9 Beta? The transfer needs to be from the K-9 Beta to the Thunderbird Beta.

Brian wrote on

Everything is working fine so far. Like many others on the mailing list the K9 import didn’t work. No problems elsewhere. Settings location is a little unintuitive but I found it eventually.

Really hoping for an icon that has AMOLED black icon circle instead of the new white one. Or the ability to choose between them?

victorhck wrote on

Spreading the news in spanish in my little blog:

As a K9 and Thunderbird Desktop user I really wans to say thank you for your work!!!


Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Thank you again for spreading the news in Spanish! We really appreciate it – and we hope you have a great time with Thunderbird for Android!

OhWeh wrote on

After the first two days: it works without problems.
Only missing the OAuth2 authentication so I can integrate also my 3rd account.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Thanks so much for trying it!

Are you using POP or IMAP for the 3rd account?

Juan wrote on

is it a trialware? show up a google play subscription.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Hi! Thunderbird for Android, just like Thunderbird, is free as in code and in cost, and is 100% driven by donations. Since the Google Play Store won’t let us link to our donation site, this will just be abother way mobile users can donate if they choose to do so!

Stefan Krenn wrote on

So far everything is working well and it looks good too! However, I had to export the settings from K9 because the automatic import didn’t work and the beta was up to date as far as I know.

I still hope that the archive function will be implemented accordingly. Are there any plans for this?

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Thanks for trying the beta! The feedback on any hiccups, like the K-9 Mail settings import (did you do this from the linked K-9 beta?), will help the final release be the best it can be.

Versus wrote on

Same servers and settings like K9, but IMAP not working.

Tom Ryan wrote on

For the import process, when will the required K-9 beta make it’s way to the Play store beta channel?

Martin Pecka wrote on

Should I get the beta 8 release via Play store when I’m a beta tester, or should I download the APK from github?

Martin Pecka wrote on

Obviously, my previous question was about K9 and not about tb4a.

OhWeh wrote on

Sorry, my mistake, now it works 🙂 Thansk for teh help IMAP was the hint.

Jochen wrote on

Besteht schon eine Möglichkeit von Thunderbird Windows einen export seiner vorhandenen Konten auf das Thunderbird Android zu importieren ? Da ich bereits mehrere Konten unter Win11 TB habe ist es sehr umständlich diese jetzt alle einzeln neu anzulegen. Ein Import der vorhandenen daten wäre klasse. Bei einem versuch bekomme ich immer die Meldung: Einstellungsdatei konnte nicht gelesen werden ?

David wrote on

Good email app. Is there a way to have the attachments show on the top of the email received. At the moment you need to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the attachments.

Sharon Borda wrote on

Haven’t tested yet but will get to that. All I want to know for the moment is will there ever be calendar, address book, tasks, etc. as well as email that will sync with my Thunderbird desktop?

Brant Mercer wrote on

IOS user…patiently waiting to help test. 🙂

THOMAS Elouan wrote on

Bonjour pourrez-vous mettre en place une version pour les Iphones. Vos produits sont excellent, cela nous évite de passer par les GAFAM

Manfred Steiner wrote on

Konto anlegen funktioniert
Konten importieren funktioniert nur mit Datei aus K9Mail, nicht aus K9Mail App.

Philippe CREIS wrote on


The application is virtually identical to K9, with a few minor inconveniences. On the home page, you have to click on ‘Show accounts’ to see the list, except that there are only dots on the left with two letters, which are the first two letters of the address provider. This means that all the dots are identical!
The presentation of accounts on K9 is much better!

Benoit Salvert wrote on

Let’s go I try it

Harry Dornfeld wrote on

Leider funktioniert die Einrichtung nicht. Ich erhalte folgende Fehlermeldung:
” Der Server unterstützt diese Fähigkeit nicht:

Klaus Seibert wrote on

Thunderbird Beta Andoid
Meldet bei ” Prüfung der Einstellungen des Posteingangservers fehlgeschlagen, obwohl alle Daten mit Thunderbird Windows identisch sind.

Fredrik Fyksen wrote on

Great job! But we really need this to support JMAP. Going ‘pull’ on email in 2024 is a no go for mobile use.

Please help fix the “chicken and egg” problem by being the first big email app to support it.

f-droid user wrote on

I will wait for F-Droid release

Harry Dornfeld wrote on

Hallo, die Einrichtung funktioniert nicht bekomme die Fehlermeldung ” fehlende Serverfähigkeit, der Server unterstützt diese Fähigkeit nicht: AUTH=CRAM-MD5″

Bjørn I. wrote on

Looks great, but I am very disappointed that my language Norwegian (Nynorsk) -nn-NO- isn’t there. Will more languages be included?

Clayton Warner wrote on

Sorry I have no idea what you are trying to explain

Michael wrote on

Will it be possible to move from the Thunderbird beta to the Thunderbird stable, after the stable was released?

Pieter van Horssen wrote on

I have been using K9 mail up till now on my Android phone but Thunderbird on the desktop has been my lifelong email program. The move from K9 to the Beta worked without problem. I do connect with imap to my Gmail account and that works good.
One question, can I sync with the local maps on my desktop TB?

Melon Coyle wrote on

Most the processes from your list are working very well!
Is there an option to “select all” in the junk folder so I can delete at once?

PierreF.P wrote on

At the first use of Thunderbird on Android (S23, Up to date) I tried the function to import my K9Mail accounts (15 !) and I got an error message : “Echec de lecture du fichier de paramètres” with no more details…
If it can help ?
Thanks for your work.
Enjoy a good day,
Regards, Pierre

Ray Kachel wrote on

Import from k-9 with no issues i’ve noticed tho i’m not a ‘power user’ just home e-mail stuff for a handful of accounts.

Herbert wrote on

I use Thunderbird on PC with Windows 11. Will there be any option of synchronisation between the 2 ?

Maphr wrote on

Will the K-9 beta version will be available via the stores (F-droid, GPlay) ? or is it necessary to upgrade to the K-9 beta version via the github release ?

I would be glad to test the K-9 to Thunderbird transfer process.

Thanks !

Bob Mattes wrote on

Installed and set up about eight accounts manually with no issues. Setup was very quick and intuitive. I primarily use the unified inbox. I haven’t discovered any bugs yet.

John wrote on

I love thunderbird I’ll help out and do the beta test for yall.

Dietrich Boege wrote on

I have entered my email address for participating in the test of TB for android.
i have checked it and want to opt out.
what can I do to remove my E-mail address from receiving email?

Please remove me ,
thank you

Dietrich Boege

vishnu wrote on

Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for sharing a great posts.

uberprutser wrote on

I side loaded the beta on my Chromecast TV steamer thingy. Being able to just read and delete mails on my TV is wonderful, but the remote control isn’t perfect for controlling the app. I’m not able to create a new message and I got some issues with selecting elements. But I’m happy it partially works 🙂

Chris P wrote on

Is there any *need* for K-9 users to try the Thunderbird Android version?

My understanding from everything contained in the roadmap is that, at this stage, K-9 and Thunderbird Android are/would be identical.
– is this still the case?
– is there any difference between this Thunderbird Beta and K-9?
– going forwards, where will the new betas be issued – K-9, Thunderbird or both at the same time?

Thanks for all the good work


Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

The apps will be the same, and the betas for both will come out together or very closely together. So if you want to stay on K-9 for the time being, there’s no need to switch!

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

You should be able to unsubscribe by doing one of the following

A. Send an email to, for example

B. Use the web interface to “Leave”

At the Topicbox website, Log In with the address you signed up with.
After logging in, navigate to the line for the Groups page, on the left sidebar underneath “News Center”.
Under “Your Groups”, select the groups you would like to leave.
Click the ‘Leave groups’ button on the top tool bar.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

At least for this beta, if you want to download the K-9 Beta, you’ll need to use the GitHub release. Sorry for the extra step this time, but thank you for helping us test!

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Herbert, yes, we will have a way to sync Thunderbird on the desktop with Thunderbird on your phone! We hope this feature will be open to testing in the next beta which will be released on Monday October 14

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Michael once the full release is out you’ll need to download it as a separate app.

Sulev-Madis Silber wrote on

i truly hope ui is changed for full release. the problem is very common nowadays. the ui elements are too large and you can’t change it. the major problem is in “can’t change”. this is larger than k9, and even that could be smaller there when i want. i’m all in for anyone who wants super sparse airy guis that only show as much content as my first home computer with 640*480 resolution has. this phone has over 3000 pixels vertically and it can only show 10 imap folders at any one time. all my hands want to do is to pinch zoom out just to get some full overview. instead i’m stuck with 1+cm tall elements that are surely clickable with finger but, ehm. btw same ui scheme goes on in desktop too, even tho people there use mouse. most of time you can’t change it. i don’t hate defaults nearly as much as when there are no options at all. having fist size ui elements should be optional

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